Cupping and Acupuncture

Cupping and Acupuncture – a therapeutic treatment. I have heard that this technique is used across Europe – and is traditionally used for sprained backs. In Chinese Medicine ‘cupping’ is can be used for so much more. How does it work I hear you...

Massage and Acupuncture – when is it best?

Massage – To treat and be Treated. Massage is very relaxing don’t you think? And I find that massage works very well with Acupuncture. I you have a muscular-skeletal problem then I will probably use some massage. If you have had experience of massage in...

Acupuncture and Moxa – Warming the Channels.

How do we treat Cold in the Body? Have you ever had a ‘crick in the neck’? This is a simple example of this. If you sleep in a cold draught, your neck can feel tight or even frozen! This would be seen in Chinese Medicine as Cold invading the muscles, or...

Green Policy for Giles Watts – Acupuncture

Giles Watts – Acupuncture: the  Green Policy. We are not separate from our environment. On a health level, we may know that we or someone can be affected by the heat, damp or cold – we are all affected by it. So, the environment is important, and we can...

Migraines and Acupuncture

Can Acupuncture treat your migraines? If you suffer from migraines then have a look at acupuncture. In the UK  a staggering 5.85 million suffer from migraines, and at any one time 190,000 people in the UK experience a migraine headache! More women experience migraines...