Keeping Healthy at the Clinic
When you come to the clinic, we ask that you follow these three easy guidelines –
1. Wear a mask
Masks help us to stop droplets and reduce the risk of catching airborne infections.
2. Wash you hands, and use hand gel.
It has been shown that regular hand washing reduces the risk of transmission. We would encourage you to wash your hands and come straight to the clinic. We have hand washing facilities here as well as freely available hand sanitiser.
3. Come to your appointment on time.
We are not currently using the waiting room, so please arrive on time. This limits unnecessary contact time. We will also have to stick to our aloted time. This gives us time to clean and allows the nest client to arrive individually.
These procedures and the ones that we are working in the background will keep us as well as can be, and keep us Covid -aware.
Wishing you all the best