by giles1 | Nov 27, 2011 | News
Male Fertility is related to what you eat?! I have seen a growing number of fertility couples, and within this there a a considerable number of cases of male ‘low’ fertility. A recent study suggests that diet plays a key part in making sperm...
by giles1 | Nov 16, 2011 | News, Womens Issues
Acupuncture can treat Menopausal Symptoms It comes to me as no surprise that Acupuncture has been found to treat Hot Flushes in Menopause. A study carried out in Europe shows that this is the case as reported in the British Medical Journal. I have experienced this...
by giles1 | Jun 16, 2011 | News
Why GPs should Prescribe Acupuncture for Patients Branded ‘Hypochondriacs’. So I don’t often read the Daily Mail, but I came across this article, and was pleasantly surprised by it. We all know the benefits of acupuncture for many conditions, and it...
by giles1 | Jun 6, 2011 | News, Womens Issues
Acupuncture can be effective in Turning Breech Babies. Research shows that acupuncture can be used for turning breech positioned babies. Babies do turn naturally, but in a trial in Italy, there was a significant benefit to using acupuncture. The treatment is...
by giles1 | May 19, 2011 | News
Kiko Matsumoto Seminar – May 2011 Kiko Matsumoto is an exceptional practitioner and I had the privilege of working with her at her Boston Clinic and have attended her seminars regularly since 2005. She is a key inspiration for me – and an exceptional...
by giles1 | May 10, 2011 | News
Acupuncture treatment for Carpel Tunnel syndrome has been shown to be better than steroid use. A trial has shown that the use of acupuncture is much better tan using oral steroids for carpel tunnel syndrome. This evidence has been published by the American Pain...
by giles1 | May 4, 2011 | News
Prostate cancer and hot flushes. Acupuncture has been reported to be effective in dealing with hot flashes in men who have been treated with androgen ablation therapy for prostate cancer. This treatment for prostate cancer involves removing the effects of hormones...
by giles1 | May 4, 2011 | News
Acupuncture pain molecule ‘pin’-pointed. Sorry for the bad pun, but the BBC reported in May 2010 that a part of the effects of acupuncture and pain can be explained. This involves the natural release of chemicals that reduce inflammation and can help with...
by giles1 | Apr 9, 2011 | News
A moving film about the rehabilitation of a stroke patient Though the title may put some one off, this is a moving film about the rehabilitation of Devin Dearth, a successful American businessman who suffers a debilitating stroke. Let down by the American health...
by giles1 | Mar 23, 2011 | News
Gentle Chinese Exercise Benefits Depression in the Elderly Tai Chi is an ancient form of exercise (and believe it or not a martial art). It is a series of slow movements and breathing, and is good for you! The New York Times has published an article based on the The...