Acupuncture can be effective in Turning Breech Babies.
Research shows that acupuncture can be used for turning breech positioned babies. Babies do turn naturally, but in a trial in Italy, there was a significant benefit to using acupuncture. The treatment is relatively simple and uses a point (called Zhiyin – located on the little toe) to promote the turning of the fetus. This technique has been used by acupuncturists for many years and has recently been used by midwives in the NHS. It is best used from 35 weeks onwards.
An Italian Study suggests Acupuncture assists the turning of Breech Babies:
The study (in Italy), took 240 women at 33-35 weeks of gestation carrying a fetus in breech presentation were randomized to receive acupuncture plus moxibustion (an herb used to apply heat to an acupuncture point) or to be assigned to the observation group. At delivery, the proportion of babies that had turned from breech position to vertex (head-down) position was 53.6 % in the group treated with acupuncture while the proportion of babies that had turned from breech position to vertex position in the observation group was 36.7%. It favors the acupuncture group and suggest the efficacy of acupuncture.
(Source: J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2004 Apr;15(4):247-52)
If you have any questions about this and other areas of acupuncture then please feel free to ask.