Acupuncture pain molecule ‘pin’-pointed.
Sorry for the bad pun, but the BBC reported in May 2010 that a part of the effects of acupuncture and pain can be explained.
This involves the natural release of chemicals that reduce inflammation and can help with sleep. the molecule responsible is said to be ‘adenosine’. After the acupuncture, the adenosine levels were found to be 24 times higher in the acupuncture affected area . . that is some increase! Sadly, the experiments were carried out on mice . . . and I do not agree in this type of research. However in this climate of ‘proof’ by science, it is good to have some further evidence of acupuncture’s efficacy.
Acupuncture is also known to affect parts of the brain (the frontal cortex; releases endorphins; and affects pathways to and from the spinal chord.
The evidence base for acupuncture is growing and in the future (funding permitting) I am sure that there will be more good grounds to see your acupuncturist!