by giles1 | Nov 30, 2011 | News
Migraines can cover a wide range of issues – headaches that you may have at a particular time of the year, randomly, or several times a week. They can also cause the sufferer severe symptoms such as nausea, photo sensitivity and pain. Acupuncture can in many...
by giles1 | May 4, 2011 | News
Acupuncture pain molecule ‘pin’-pointed. Sorry for the bad pun, but the BBC reported in May 2010 that a part of the effects of acupuncture and pain can be explained. This involves the natural release of chemicals that reduce inflammation and can help with...
by giles1 | Jan 25, 2011 | Back pain, Headaches, News
Can Acupuncture treat your migraines? If you suffer from migraines then have a look at acupuncture. In the UK a staggering 5.85 million suffer from migraines, and at any one time 190,000 people in the UK experience a migraine headache! More women experience migraines...
by giles1 | Dec 9, 2010 | Back pain, Headaches, News
Is acupuncture good for back pain? Certainly the anecdotal evidence that I have would suggest it is one of the key areas that acupuncture has a very positive effect. The British Acupuncture Council has surveyed medical papers and there is a summary below. So let us...