Acupuncture helps with Menopausal Flushes, Night Sweats, Anxiety and Terrible Mood Swings?
In the Daily Express, of all papers, Bonnie Estridge writes that despite reservations about acupuncture being loony, it helped with many problems of Menopausal symptoms. These were:
Really dreadful hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and such terrible anxiety that I hated going out.
Mary (the artist and patient), said that ‘without doubt’ acupuncture has cured her unwelcome problems! That is quite a bold statement for her to make, and very heartening. She even felt much better after just two sessions.
The Acupuncture has kept her symptoms at bay and she now has acupuncture regularly and she now only pays for three sessions a year.
The article also states that acupuncture was used effectively for turning the baby when in breach position; hormonal issues; and for back pain . . .
Gordon Key, 78, a former journalist who lives in Shrewsbury, turned to acupuncture 10 years ago when a slipped disc left him unable to stand. The NHS was pretty unresponsive no conventional medication worked, neither did physiotherapy or going to a chiropractor, he says. I have practised yoga for some time and am, in general, open-minded about complementary or alternative therapies. I started having regular treatments and after just a few, the pain subsided.
I still have monthly sessions and acupuncture helped me only recently when I twisted my ankle. It is an intriguing form of therapy which helped me where conventional medicine totally failed. I don’t know why some people are sceptical about acupuncture it’s not some new-fangled treatment, it has been going for thousands of years so there must be something in it.
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