The growing use of Acupuncture to treat Male Fertility Issues.
Fertility issues are well documented around the treatment of women, but there is a growing amount of research to suggest that acupuncture can treat male infertility as well and with some very encouraging results. In an article based on the treatment of couples, released by the British Acupuncture Council, acupuncture has been shown to increase mobility and sperm count in men.
This has been a growing area of interest in my Leeds based Acupuncture Clinic – with demand for treatment growing in the last few years. I find that both men and women both benefit from acupuncture – even if it for well being treatments or managing the stress of trying to conceive. Specifically for men Maggie Bavington (a London based practitioner) of the BAcC writes
‘Male patients often benefit from the relaxation acupuncture brings and are overjoyed when tests show their sperm has improved. Getting pregnant is not the end of the story and I often treat women through the whole pregnancy. Of course the most rewarding part for me is when I get to meet the long awaited baby in person and see the joy of the new parents’
It is the lovely conclusion to this treatment that acupuncturists aspire to, and this is an area that I work in. If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me at my Leeds based Acupuncture clinic.
Kind regards – and a happy new year!